Boxing is about precision, power, and persistence. Today, we’re taking an in-depth look at a challenging regimen that epitomizes these elements: the 4000 Punch Workout. This routine isn’t just about throwing punches; it’s a structured, high-intensity workout designed to sharpen your technique, improve endurance, and push you to new heights. We’ll break down the specific combinations used in this workout and provide insights into how you can incorporate them into your training.  This 4000 Punch Workout is available in the Youtube Membership.

The 4000 Punch Workout Overview

Throwing 4000 punches in a single workout is no small feat. This workout incorporates various combinations, movements, and techniques that aim to enhance your boxing skills. The script guides you through each combination, emphasizing correct form, fluidity, and intensity.

Specific Combinations in the Workout

The workout involves a series of specific combinations that are repeated to build muscle memory and improve technique. Here’s a detailed breakdown of some key combinations and their roles within the workout:

  1. Angles Combination
    • “Angles one to shift to five to duck out”: This combination focuses on creating angles and shifting positions. Starting with a jab (1) while shifting your angle, transitioning to an uppercut (5), and then ducking out to evade a counter. Practicing this sequence helps you master offensive and defensive movements simultaneously.
  2. Creating Space Combination
    • “1-1-2-3-2-3”: This classic combination starts with a double jab (1-1), followed by a cross (2), hook (3), cross (2), and ends with another hook (3). It’s essential for creating space and maintaining offensive pressure, allowing you to control the distance and pace of the fight.
  3. Inside Fighting Combination
    • “Inside six body five body four body three body six three two”: Designed for close-quarters combat, this sequence starts with an uppercut (6), body shot (5), another body hook (4), and follows with another series of body shots and head movements. It’s crucial for developing inside fighting skills, teaching you to stay active and land effective punches even in tight spaces.
  4. Pressure Combination
    • “Pressure one-two-five-two-three-six”: This combination is about moving forward aggressively, with a jab-cross (1-2), uppercut (5), another cross (2), hook (3), and uppercut (6). It’s perfect for when you’re aiming to close the gap and overwhelm your opponent with a barrage of punches.
  5. Punch-Out Drill
    • “Punch out go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10”: At the end of each round, there’s a 100-punch drill where you rapidly throw combinations in succession. This is designed to push your endurance and ensure that you can maintain a high work rate even when fatigued.

Structure of the Workout

Each round in this workout consists of a mix of these combinations, interwoven to create a challenging flow. Here’s how a typical session might be structured:

  1. Round 1: Warm-Up and Basic Combinations
    • Start with simple combinations like “1-1-2-3-2-3” to get the rhythm going. This round focuses on building speed and fluidity with basic punches.
  2. Round 2-4: Increasing Complexity
    • Introduce combinations like “Angles one to shift to five to duck out.” Focus on head movement and footwork while executing punches.
    • Work on inside combinations like “Inside six body five body four body three body six three two” to improve close-range fighting.
  3. Round 5-8: Building Pressure
    • Integrate the “Pressure one-two-five-two-three-six” combination. Move forward with aggression, applying pressure through consistent punching.
    • Implement punch-out drills at the end of each round to boost punch count and endurance.
  4. Round 9-12: Refining Technique and Endurance
    • Combine previous combinations with defensive movements such as slipping and ducking. Ensure each punch is thrown with precision.
    • Mix in drills like “Create Space” to practice moving in and out of range effectively.
  5. Round 13-14: Finishing Strong
    • Repeat the toughest combinations to push your limits. This is where mental toughness comes into play.
    • Finish each round with a punch-out drill to maximize output and end the workout on a high note.

Key Benefits of Each Combination

  1. Angles Combinations develop your ability to create and exploit angles, making you a more elusive and unpredictable fighter.
  2. Creating Space combinations help you control the distance, allowing you to attack and retreat effectively.
  3. Inside Fighting combinations train you to be effective at close range, teaching you how to land body shots and uppercuts while maintaining defense.
  4. Pressure Combinations teach you to overwhelm opponents, keeping them on the defensive and controlling the pace of the fight.
  5. Punch-Out Drills enhance your stamina and ensure that you can maintain a high work rate even in the final rounds.

Tips for Executing the Workout

  • Maintain Form: Each punch should be thrown with proper technique, even as you fatigue. Remember, quality over quantity.
  • Pace Yourself: Start at a controlled pace, especially in the earlier rounds. As the workout progresses, gradually increase intensity.
  • Use the Cheat Sheet: The combinations are complex, so keep a reference handy to stay on track.
  • Modify if Necessary: If you’re new to this level of intensity, adjust the punch count or rounds to suit your current fitness level.


The 4000 Punch Workout is an intense, multifaceted training regimen designed to improve every aspect of your boxing game. By incorporating specific combinations like “Angles one to shift to five to duck out” and “Inside six body five body four body three body six three two,” you refine your technique, build endurance, and develop the mental toughness required for boxing. Whether you’re training for a fight or looking to push your limits, this workout provides a comprehensive challenge that can help you reach new heights in your boxing journey.