If you’re looking to take your boxing skills to the next level, incorporating structured workouts and combinations into your routine is essential. Today, we’re diving into a quick and effective workout that will have you mastering 10 combos in just 10 minutes. This workout is perfect for those who want to sharpen their technique, improve their stamina, and get a great cardio session in.  You can do this workout with me HERE.

The Workout Breakdown

This 10-minute workout is designed to be intense and focused, ensuring you get the most out of every minute. Here’s how it works:

  1. Combo Execution: For each round, you’ll be performing a specific combo for 50 seconds. This gives you enough time to practice the combination, perfect your form, and increase your speed.
  2. Breathing and Movement: After each combo, take a breath and move around. The goal is to keep your body loose and ready for the next set. This movement also simulates real boxing scenarios, where constant motion is key.
  3. Footwork Drills: At the end of each 50-second combo round, you’ll focus on footwork for 10 seconds. This is crucial for developing agility and improving your overall boxing performance.

The Combos You’ll Be Working On

Here are the 10 combinations you will be working on in this routine:

  1. Combo 1: Jab, Cross (1, 2)
  2. Combo 2: Double Jab, Right Hand (1, 1, 2)
  3. Combo 3: Jab, Hook (1, 3)
  4. Combo 4: Uppercut, Hook (6, 3)
  5. Combo 5: Jab, Hook, Uppercut, Hook (1, 3, 6, 3)
  6. Combo 6: Right Hook to the Body
  7. Combo 7: Lead Uppercut, Rear Uppercut (5, 6)
  8. Combo 8: Overhand
  9. Combo 9: Shovel Hook to the Body
  10. Combo 10: Hook, Uppercut, Hook (3, 6, 3)

Each of these combinations serves a different purpose, allowing you to work on various aspects of your boxing skills, from speed and power to precision and footwork.

How to Perform the Combos

You can perform these combos either on a heavy bag or through shadowboxing. If you have access to a bag, use it to practice power and accuracy. If not, shadowboxing is an excellent way to work on technique, speed, and movement.

  1. Start with the Combo: Begin by executing the combo at a steady pace. Focus on proper form and technique.
  2. Increase the Intensity: As you become more comfortable, increase the speed and intensity of the combo. Aim to maintain this higher intensity for the majority of the 50 seconds.
  3. Move and Reset: After each combo, move around the space. This not only helps simulate a real fight scenario but also allows you to practice moving in and out of range.
  4. Footwork Drills: For the final 10 seconds of each minute, shift your focus to footwork. Practice different movements like pivots, side steps, and advancing or retreating while maintaining your stance.

Benefits of This Workout

  • Improves Technique: Repetition of these combinations helps ingrain proper technique, making your movements more natural and efficient.
  • Enhances Cardiovascular Fitness: This high-intensity workout keeps your heart rate up, improving your cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness.
  • Builds Stamina: Working through the rounds with minimal rest challenges your stamina, preparing you for longer bouts.
  • Incorporates Footwork: The dedicated footwork segments ensure you’re not neglecting this crucial aspect of boxing, helping you become more agile and quick on your feet.


This 10-minute boxing workout is an excellent way to improve your skills, build endurance, and get a great workout. By focusing on combinations and incorporating footwork, you’re developing the complete package needed for boxing success. Whether you’re training for competition or just looking to enhance your fitness routine, this workout offers a quick and effective solution.