Developing punching power is crucial for any boxer looking to enhance their effectiveness in the ring. However, focusing on power training for an extended period can be taxing on the body and counterproductive without proper recovery. This “Punching Power Foundations” program is designed as a short, intensive two-day routine aimed at building the fundamentals of powerful punching while allowing for adequate recovery and integration into your regular boxing schedule.  You can access it by joining the membership at Level 4.

Why a Two-Day Focus?

The nature of power training requires high intensity and significant exertion, making it difficult to sustain over a prolonged period like a full week. By concentrating on a two-day protocol, this program ensures that you can give maximal effort during these sessions without overtraining. Adequate recovery time between sessions is crucial for muscle repair and power gains.

Program Structure:

  • Day 1: Focuses on both upper and lower body mechanics to develop a solid base for generating power.
  • Day 2: Emphasizes upper body strength and coordination, integrating the skills learned from Day 1.
  • Recovery: A day off is recommended between the two training days to allow for recovery and adaptation.

Day 1: Upper and Lower Body Integration

Objective: Develop the foundational strength and mechanics needed for powerful punches by integrating both upper and lower body movements.

Warm-Up (15-20 Minutes):

  • Dynamic Stretches: Include leg swings, arm circles, and trunk rotations to prepare the muscles for explosive movements.
  • Footwork Drills: Spend 5-10 minutes on ladder drills or cone drills to prime your legs for the session.

Skill Drills (40 Minutes):

  1. Lower Body Focus:
    • Squat to Punch Drill: Perform a bodyweight squat followed by a fast 1-2 combination. Emphasize the transition from the legs to the upper body, generating power from the ground up.
    • Lunge with Punch: Execute alternating lunges, and at the bottom of each lunge, throw a jab or cross. Focus on stability and power transfer from the legs to the arms.
  2. Upper Body Focus:
    • Medicine Ball Throws: Use a medicine ball to perform chest passes against a wall. This mimics the explosive motion of a punch, building upper body power.
    • Push-Up to Punch: Perform a push-up and at the top, explode into a jab or cross, emphasizing the speed and explosiveness of the punch.

Heavy Bag Work (20 Minutes):

  • Round 1-2: Work on single power shots, focusing on technique and generating maximum force with each punch.
  • Round 3-4: Integrate the lower body drills into combinations. For example, perform a squat followed by a 1-2-3 combination on the bag.
  • Round 5: Finish with a burn-out round, throwing powerful, full-force combinations for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest.

Cool Down (10 Minutes):

  • Stretch the major muscle groups, focusing on the legs and shoulders, to aid in recovery and prevent stiffness.

Day 2: Upper Body Power and Coordination

Objective: Enhance upper body power through focused drills that also integrate the lessons from Day 1, improving overall punching effectiveness.

Warm-Up (15 Minutes):

  • Jump Rope: 3 rounds of 3 minutes each to increase heart rate and prepare the shoulders and arms for the workout.
  • Shadow Boxing: Focus on slow, deliberate movements, emphasizing form and the mechanics of powerful punches.

Skill Drills (40 Minutes):

  1. Explosive Upper Body Movements:
    • Medicine Ball Slams: Perform overhead slams to build explosive upper body strength. Concentrate on the speed and power of each movement.
    • Single-Arm Punch-Outs: Use a resistance band to practice explosive single-arm punch-outs, focusing on the extension and power generation.
  2. Coordination and Power Integration:
    • Resistance Band Punches: Attach a resistance band to a stable object behind you. Perform rapid, explosive punches against the resistance, focusing on form and power.
    • Heavy Bag Power Shots: Focus on delivering single, powerful shots on the heavy bag. Each punch should be thrown with maximum intensity, concentrating on form and technique.

Combination Drills (20 Minutes):

  • Round 1-2: Work on combinations that emphasize power, such as a jab-cross-hook with a focus on speed and force.
  • Round 3-4: Integrate defensive movements like slips and rolls between power combinations to simulate a real fight scenario.
  • Round 5: Finish with high-intensity intervals, throwing power combinations for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Cool Down and Recovery (10 Minutes):

  • Stretch the upper body thoroughly, focusing on the shoulders, chest, and triceps to prevent muscle tightness.

Recovery and Integration:

Given the high intensity of this two-day program, it’s recommended to take a day off from power training between Day 1 and Day 2. During this rest day, you can engage in other aspects of your boxing training, such as technique work, light cardio, or defensive drills. This will help maintain your overall conditioning while allowing your muscles to recover from the power-focused sessions.

Weekly Integration:

  • Perform Day 1 and Day 2 early in the week, giving yourself ample time to recover.
  • Incorporate your regular boxing training throughout the rest of the week, focusing on skills like speed, agility, and endurance.
  • In the following week, repeat the two-day power routine, ensuring consistent development without overtraining.


The “Punching Power Foundations” program provides a focused approach to building powerful punches. By concentrating on both upper and lower body mechanics, this two-day routine enhances your ability to generate maximum force. Integrating this program into your regular boxing schedule ensures that you build power effectively while maintaining overall balance in your training. Remember, the key to power is not just raw strength but the ability to harness and deliver it efficiently through proper technique and conditioning.