Introduction: Ready to train like a boxer from the comfort of your home? Today, I’m going to guide you through a boxing home workout just like the ones we used to do live on my channel. This session is packed with everything you need: a warm-up to get you moving, essential boxing drills, my favorite beginner-friendly combos with a touch of advanced techniques, and a mini conditioning circuit to finish things off.

Grab your gloves, clear some space, and let’s get started!  You can follow the workout HERE.

Warm-Up: Loosen Up and Get Moving

We’ll kick things off with a warm-up to get our body loose. This part is essential to prepare your muscles, improve your mobility, and get your mind in the zone for the workout ahead.

Start by moving around your training area, bouncing on your toes, and shaking out any stiffness. Use dynamic stretches—arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists—to activate your muscles. This will help you move fluidly during the boxing drills that follow.

Boxing Drills: Technique and Movement

Once you’re warmed up, it’s time to dive into some boxing drills. These drills are designed to enhance your technique and improve your overall boxing skills. Here’s what we’ll focus on:

  • Footwork: Keep your feet light and move around the space. Pivot, shuffle, and step into different positions to maintain mobility.
  • Basic Punches: We’ll go through basic punches—jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts. Focus on clean technique. Remember to rotate your hips and shoulders with each punch for power and form.
  • Slips and Covers: To add a defensive element, we’ll work on slipping punches and covering up. Slip left and right to avoid imaginary punches, and cover up by bringing your gloves up to your face and body.

These boxing drills are not only great for improving your technique but also for conditioning your body to move like a boxer.

Combinations: Beginner-Friendly Combos with a Twist

Now we’ll move into one of my favorite parts of any boxing workout—combinations. Today, I’ll guide you through some of my favorite combos for beginners. These combinations are simple yet effective and include some advanced elements like slips and covers to keep things interesting.

  • Jab-Cross-Hook: Start with the basic jab-cross, and follow up with a powerful hook.
  • Slip and Counter: After throwing a combination, practice slipping an imaginary punch and countering with a cross or uppercut.

These combinations will teach you how to link your punches together smoothly while incorporating defense. They’ll also give you a great workout by forcing you to stay active and focused.

Mini Conditioning Circuit: Finish Strong

To round off this home workout, we’re going to go through a quick conditioning circuit. This circuit will target your endurance and strength, ensuring that you finish the workout feeling like a true boxer.

Here’s what the circuit will look like:

  1. Burpees: 30 seconds
  2. Shadowboxing: 1 minute, throw rapid punches while maintaining good form
  3. Squat Jumps: 30 seconds
  4. Plank Hold: 1 minute, keep your core tight and your back straight

Repeat this circuit 2–3 times, depending on your fitness level.

Cool Down and Stretch

Once you’ve completed the workout, don’t forget to cool down. Take a few minutes to stretch out your muscles and bring your heart rate down gradually. Focus on stretching your shoulders, arms, legs, and back. This will help prevent soreness and speed up your recovery.

Final Thoughts: This boxing home workout is designed to give you the full experience of a boxing session from start to finish. By working on your footwork, technique, and combinations, and adding a conditioning circuit, you’ll not only improve your boxing skills but also get a great cardiovascular workout.

The best part? You can do this entire routine at home, no equipment required. Stay consistent with these exercises, and you’ll start to notice improvements in both your boxing and overall fitness.

Looking for More? If you enjoyed this workout, make sure to check out more of my boxing tutorials and training tips. For those looking to dive deeper, the Precision Striking Membership gives you access to exclusive content, personalized training plans, and a community of like-minded individuals. Let’s take your boxing to the next level together!