Are you ready to elevate your boxing skills and take your training to the next level? Our comprehensive 5-day fight camp is designed to push both your physical limits and sharpen your boxing techniques. Whether you’re an aspiring boxer or looking to prepare for a competition, this intense training program covers all the essential elements you need to succeed in the ring. If you want to go through THIS CAMP you can access it at LEVEL 4 in the Membership.  We do this camp together and I guide you through every step!

Day 1: Fundamentals and Introduction to Fight Camp

Focus: Establishing the camp structure and reinforcing foundational skills.

Warm-Up (15-20 Minutes):

  • Jump Rope: 3 rounds of 3 minutes each to build cardiovascular endurance and coordination.
  • Dynamic Stretching: Include arm circles, leg swings, and trunk rotations to increase mobility and prepare muscles for the workout.
  • Shadow Boxing: 2 rounds focusing on basic movements—jabs, crosses, and footwork, emphasizing correct form and technique.

Skill Drills (30-40 Minutes):

  • Basic Combinations: Start with 1-2 and 1-2-3 combinations. Drill these combinations in a static position, then integrate movement (e.g., 1-2 while moving forward and backward).
  • Defensive Maneuvers: Practice basic defensive moves such as slipping, bobbing, and weaving. Integrate these into combinations to build muscle memory for defensive transitions.
  • Heavy Bag Drills: If available, work on simple combinations on the heavy bag. Focus on precision, balance, and proper weight transfer in punches.
  • Equipment Adaptation: If a heavy bag isn’t available, use hand weights while shadow boxing to simulate resistance.

Cool Down and Stretching (10-15 Minutes):

  • Emphasize stretching the shoulders, chest, and hips to maintain flexibility and reduce soreness.

Day 2: Building the Foundation and Conditioning

Focus: Simulating a competitive amateur boxer’s fight camp with an emphasis on strength and conditioning.

Warm-Up (15 Minutes):

  • Shadow Boxing with Light Weights: 3 rounds, focusing on maintaining form while holding 1-2 lb weights.
  • Footwork Drills: Ladder drills or cone drills to improve agility and movement coordination.

Skill Drills and Shadow Boxing (45-50 Minutes):

  • Round 1-2: Focus on different themes such as uppercuts or body shots. Incorporate footwork to move in and out of range.
  • Round 3-4: Work on combinations with defensive moves, e.g., jab-cross-slip. Emphasize fluidity between offense and defense.
  • Shadow Boxing: Guided shadow boxing with themes for each round:
    • Round 1: Straight punches, focusing on accuracy and speed.
    • Round 2: Hook combinations, ensuring proper rotation and balance.
    • Round 3: Body shots and counters, emphasizing movement and angles.
    • Round 4: Freestyle round to put all elements together.

Heavy Bag Work (30 Minutes):

  • Round 1-2: Basic combinations like 1-2-3, focusing on power and accuracy.
  • Round 3-4: Add defensive movements after each combination, such as slips or rolls.
  • Round 5-6: Punch-out drills where you throw continuous punches for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest.
  • Round 7-8: Finish with freestyle combinations, integrating head movement and footwork.

Strength and Conditioning (20-30 Minutes):

  • Mini Circuits: Include exercises like:
    • Push-ups: 3 sets of 15-20 reps.
    • Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
    • Medicine Ball Slams: 3 sets of 10 reps.
    • Plank Variations: 3 sets of 1-minute holds.

Day 3: Speed and Quickness

Focus: Enhancing hand speed, reaction time, and footwork during the fight camp

Warm-Up (15 Minutes):

  • High Knees and Butt Kicks: Dynamic movements to prepare the legs for fast, explosive actions.
  • Shadow Boxing: 3 rounds focusing on speed—throwing quick, light punches while maintaining form.

Plyometric and Speed Drills (30 Minutes):

  • Plyo Box Drills: 3 sets of:
    • Lateral Box Jumps: Improve explosive lateral movement.
    • Single-Leg Hops: Enhance balance and single-leg strength.
  • Medicine Ball Throws: 3 sets of 10 throws for developing explosive upper body strength.

Skill Work (40 Minutes):

  • Speed Combinations: Work on rapid combinations, like throwing 1-2-1-2 in quick succession.
  • Focus Mitts (if a partner is available): Speed drills with focus mitts, focusing on quick counters and reactions.
  • Quick Defense: Integrate quick slips and rolls after fast combinations to train reaction time.

Bag Work (30 Minutes):

  • Round 1-2: Speed-focused rounds, throwing rapid combinations with minimal power.
  • Round 3-4: Include defensive moves like slips and rolls immediately after quick combinations.
  • Round 5-6: Interval punching, where you throw fast punches for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat.

Day 4: Tactical Training and Counter-Punching

Focus: Developing tactical skills, defensive techniques, and counter-punching abilities.

Warm-Up (15 Minutes):

  • Defensive Shadow Boxing: 3 rounds focusing on slips, rolls, and parries.
  • Mirror Drills (if a partner is available): One person throws punches, and the other practices defensive moves, without actual contact.

Skill Drills (45 Minutes):

  • Counter-Punching Drills: Start with simple counters like slip-right cross, then move to more complex sequences such as block-counter combinations.
  • Defense on the Bag: Practice moving backward or side-to-side while throwing counter combinations on the heavy bag.
  • Reaction Drills: Use a double-end bag or a reflex ball to train reaction time and improve hand-eye coordination.

Guided Shadow Boxing (30 Minutes):

  • Round 1: Emphasize defense, integrating head movement and parries.
  • Round 2: Focus on counters, practicing slipping a jab and returning with a cross.
  • Round 3: Defensive combinations, e.g., slip-right cross-left hook.
  • Round 4: Freestyle, integrating all defensive and counter-punching elements.

Bag Work (30 Minutes):

  • Round 1-2: Specific counter combinations such as parry-right cross-left hook.
  • Round 3-4: Move around the bag, simulating an opponent, and practice countering after defensive moves.
  • Round 5-6: Mix in offensive combinations with counter-attacks to simulate a real bout situation.

Day 5: Endurance, Stamina, and Challenge

Focus: Building and testing endurance, concluding the camp with a high-intensity session.

Warm-Up (15 Minutes):

  • Light Jogging or Jump Rope: 5-10 minutes to increase heart rate.
  • Dynamic Stretches: Focus on areas prone to fatigue, like the shoulders and calves.

Endurance Drills (40 Minutes):

  • Continuous Movement Drills: Two rounds focusing on constant motion—lateral movements, pendulum steps, and nonstop footwork.
  • Combination Rounds: Execute combinations continuously for 3 minutes, focusing on fluid movement and stamina.
  • Shadow Boxing with Light Weights: 2 rounds, incorporating high repetition to fatigue the muscles.

High-Intensity Bag Work (30 Minutes):

  • Round 1-2: High-volume punching, alternating between combinations and constant jabs.
  • Round 3-4: Power punches—focus on throwing with maximum power while maintaining form.
  • Round 5-6: 30-minute nonstop heavy bag session. Alternate between 2 minutes of high-intensity combinations and 1 minute of rest.
  • Round 7-8: Finish with punch-out drills—throwing as many punches as possible in 30-second intervals, followed by 30 seconds of rest.

Circuit Conditioning (20 Minutes):

  • Mini Circuits: Include exercises such as:
    • Burpees: 3 sets of 10 reps to build explosiveness and endurance.
    • Mountain Climbers: 3 sets of 1-minute rounds to maintain high heart rate.
    • Russian Twists: 3 sets of 20 reps for core endurance.
    • Plank Variations: 3 sets of 1-minute holds to build overall core stability.

Cool Down and Stretching (15 Minutes):

  • Focus on stretching all major muscle groups, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds to aid in recovery.

Additional Tips for Structuring the Camp:

  • Nutrition and Hydration: Ensure participants understand the importance of proper nutrition and hydration throughout the week, especially on intense days.
  • Rest and Recovery: Include discussions on the importance of adequate rest and sleep to support recovery and performance.
  • Mental Preparation: Integrate mental training elements, such as visualization techniques and focus drills, to enhance overall performance.
  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the intensity of the workouts as the week progresses to build stamina and resilience.
  • Feedback and Adaptation: Encourage participants to listen to their bodies and adapt the training intensity if needed, ensuring safety and minimizing injury risk.


This five-day boxing fight camp offers a comprehensive program that addresses all critical aspects of boxing—technique, speed, endurance, and tactical awareness. Each day is meticulously structured to build upon the previous, culminating in a challenging yet rewarding experience that simulates the demands of fight preparation. Whether for competition preparation or as an intensive training boost, this camp is designed to push participants to their limits, helping them emerge stronger, faster, and more skilled.